Quantum Master Healers & Teachers - From Self Healing Student to Teacher
A Journey which will change your Life
A Journey which will change your Life
Welcome to the Ultimate Healing course which has everything in 1 course from learning how to Self Heal all the way to Master Healer Teachers. This course includes all my 20 years plus of teaches in healing and by the time you finish this extensive course you will be able to hold your own healing courses locally or online.
The course comes with Attunements, Manuals and Video Lessons which are easy to watch videos and you can work at your own pace.
It will start with Reiki Level 1 which is all about Self Love, then moving to Reiki Level 2 which is the Practitioners level and moving onto Reiki Master Teachers where I will show you how to build your own courses and pass attunements and deepen your connection to this incredible healing system.
Then after finishing Reiki Master Teachers you will start to learn and work with Munay-Ki Shamanic Healing learn all 9 Rites from Healers Rites to The Creators Rites which once completed you will be able to Teacher too.
Once we have completed this area we will delve into working with Leylines and the Crystal Gridlines.
Online Course, work at your own pace!!
These Courses are recorded so you can watch on any device as many times as possible, they come with comprehensive manuals, Attunements, Meditations and Certification.
If you are ready for change your life and learn how to work with energy then this course is for you !!!
Cat has been working with this incredible Healing system for over 20 years and I have students all over the world, as a Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher I am passionate about helping people gain a deep understanding and learn these incredible healing systems and also go on to Teach and help others.
If you are looking for a highly experienced Reiki and Shamanic Master Teacher and you would learn at your own pace this course is for you and will change your world.
Cat took over 9 months to write her manuals and she has Specialised in field, which she was working locally people would travel 100's of miles to work with her as she was a leading healer in the UK, with clients travelling as far as France to come and have a treatment. So she comes with a wealth of knowledge and she specialised in depression, anxiety, fertility and cancer.
If your looking for a highly experienced teacher Cat has decades of knowledge and expertise.
Cat is an incredible Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher and known her for over 10 years, I first started as her client having treatments but I quickly took her courses and now I have a highly successful therapy business helping couples with fertility - I am truly grateful to Cat for helping me change my whole life.
I discovered Cat due to going through Chemotherapy and I was in a pretty low state but after a few sessions everything changed. I then took her course and now I hold my own Shamanic Reiki Courses and every day I adore helping and teaching people how to work with Reiki - If you want the best Reiki Master and Teacher Cat is your person.
Cat's Courses are wonderful they give you everything you need, her manuals are fab and a step by step guide which you have for life ! She gives you everything so you have all the confidence you need to change your life and if you want others too.
Thanks Cat I'm lucky to have you on my journey