The Sacred Journey - Twin Flames
The Twin Flame Journey can be so painful and you can feel stuck and lost with not understanding what is happening YOU SEE ONCE THE ENERGETIC WALL HAS BUILD IT CAN BE HARD TO BRING IT DOWN - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS DIVINE MASCULINE IN PULL ENERGY.
This Online Video Course is easy to watch and gives you all the tools to bring down the Energetic wall and magnitise Divine Masculine back in on a Soul frequency as twins can only stay in the same frequency in soul.
Your Twin Flame is You in Every Lifetime and the connection is for infinity and the connection is deeply Mystical as you are One Soul.
Once you purchase the course you have everything for the complete journey plus as an extra bonus to the course you will also receive 1 month free to Awaken to Consciousness where you will be able to join me live each week to ask all your questions and get the support you need.