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Lighthouse - The Wayshower Soul Business

There is a new Lightworker, Healer and Coach being birthed!!

They are here to be the bridge from the old Matrix way of Spirituality which had old templates of money is hard and I'm here to give my gift away, while sitting in lack and feeling tired and Exhausted....

Guess what !!!

If you have found this page that is not you!! You are here to Light up the world while creating 6 Figures creating freedom and abundance in your life.

Freedom & Soul Purpose

Over 14 hours of Zoom Coaching calls I will be sharing what it is to be the new earth Lighthouse and Wayshower and the energy and frequency is very different.

I will also show you exactly how you create passive income so you earn while you sleep, so you build a life of pure abundance while lighting up the world.

With more and more businesses using social media I am here to show you how to grow a deeply successful business where you know exactly who you help and know how to shift them out of pain and speak directly to their heart and soul.

You will learn how to do it with ease and how to make an incredible amount of abundance ie freedom and wealth, I believe the new lightworker should be able to work anywhere in the world, ski slope, forest, beach or yes you've guessed it chilling at home.

Once you understand the secrets of the new earth and lightworker it's easy to create a business with ease and joy. I see so many people struggling but if you follow my secret keys to business then you can not only work a few hours each day but more often you can earn most while you sleep, shop or are out enjoying life.

I will be there to answer your business and coaching questions and I will delve deep into how to really change peoples lives and grow a business very easily online. The zoom recordings are no bull-shit straight talking. I am not a coach who holds things back and I have been coaching for over 20 years so I'm not some business graduate having a stab everything I teach and guide on is what I do and you only need to look around on Social media to see many business success.

I have created this incredible space for the new light keeper and wayshower and for anyone who has done my course and wants additional support as they are creating their soul-led business to ask questions.

Who is the Lighthouse For?

Lighthouse is open to anyone who is here to grow their business online so for Soul Coaches, Therapists, Healers, Lightworkers, Psychics, Channellers anyone who is here as the Wayshower of the New Earth so we can support the next wave of the Awakening. But we do it in pure abundance and making passive income so it fits around our life.

I believe money is just energy and if you want to create 6 figures and still have complete freedom anything is possible.

Thanks to Lighthouse I went from 0 clients to building a podcast and Youtube channel and with listening to the calls my Youtube channel was hitting 2/3k in a matter of weeks and I now have clients booking to work with me and I've now sold many of my courses 30 to date in just over a week thank you so much Cat

Lighthouse is Coaching to help you Grow Your Business

Lighthouse is only Available through the combined 3 in 1 course as I believe once you have all 3 your have all the tools for success!!!