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Can You Ever Return To The Bubble Love Phase

After Soul Recognition the DM falls straight back into the logical mind, focusing on anything but an open heart. 

You see in Bubble Love phase both Polarities are in Oneness with an open Heart Chakras but as the energy builds it’s a magnetic force that then pushes the 2 polarities away and the DM closes down the heart and grasps tightly to the ego mind and logic 

But the more DM fights the pull of the Heart Chakra the more painful it becomes and the most alone and separated from life they feel

You see this is a journey of Awakening for the one soul but the one soul is operating in 2 bodies with 2 ego minds which have had certain events and conditions throughout their life time.

You see we often talk about the runner chaser but really both twins are running from their true self and both have the same core wound and while ever both bodies ignore this the deeper the pain is felt

This journey is Beautifully orchestrated by Divine and I know your saying “beautiful Cat!!!, are you joking, it’s painful and has left my life in pieces”

Most people paint this journey as looking for the love of your life and I even have people saying will you help me find my twin!…. 

The Twin Flame journey is an Awakening of self, your other incarnation came in to wake you up but let me tell you there is nothing romantic about this when ego death hits / dark night of the soul … it will leave you on the floor thinking what the hell happened to my whole world.

Now if your thinking your in a Twin Flame Connection but what I’ve just said sounds crazy and a bit over the top, your probably not on the journey.

As the Twin Flame Journey shows you your God Essence in your twins eyes and vibration and then it takes away everything you have ever know as uncomfortable comfortable for you to rebirth yourself into your authentic soul frequency 

The journey is about harmonisation, sovereignty and stepping into the highest frequency of love and abundance of self

Love ❤️