The Complete Journey To Oneness
The Complete Journey to Oneness is everything you need to shift into your Divine Feminine Power as a highly Successful Light Leader and Wayshower.
You will learn how to work with your own Powerful Life Force Energy and how to heal your life and even grow a beautiful business.
The Healers part of the course is a vital part of your Awakening journey as when you learn to Master your Energy and the energy of the Universe you shift into Creator Frequency.
Another Sacred Key to the Journey is your Psychic gifts which are Activated and once activated you will see beyond this world and have a deep knowing that you are here to help and guide people from a soul vibration. You will hear beyond the physical world, you will see beyond the physical world and you will now be able to connect in with your spirit guides. This can be scary and exciting but like a baby learning to talk you have to learn a whole new way of communication with divine and spirit which is beautifully explained and taught in the inner mystics course which is included.
You will also be given access to all Cat’s Courses from The Wayshowers and Lightleaders to the Mystic and Healers plus the Activators Course and 6 months Divine Feminine Monthly Support (Cat will email you on request the 6 month free code). You will also work with Cat on 1 x 1:1 Private Coaching session where Cat will meet you exactly where you are on your journey and give you all the tools and wisdom on how to transform your life.
This course is the complete course and you will get over 20 years of Spiritual knowledge and the Ancient Teachings and Activations of the Divine Feminine.
I am also deeply passionate about showing you how to be the Wayshower and create a 6 figure business which works around your family and life, with no struggle or chasing but just pure abundance. You see once Awoken you are not here to work 30/40 hour weeks you are here to create a beautiful free flowing business which helps people beyond the mind, ps I am deeply passionate about passive income and believe in 2024 all soul/spiritual businesses should be built with this in mind and this is what I teach within the Soul-Led Business Course.
On completing the course you will be able to Teach, Lead and be the Soul Coach and WayShower and have all the tools to set up a Soul Led Business which will give you all the tools to make 6 figures with ease.
This course has changed so many peoples lives and is here to give you the Wisdom and Activation into the very Power Divine Energy of the Sacred Feminine.