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The One Soul

I often get asked the question do I have half of my Twins Soul, is it split in 2 and the answer is this couldn’t be further from the truth and here is why !

The Soul is Formless, Timeless it doesn’t identify with anything and it only operates in the present moment !

The Key to Aligning with Soul is to release the physical form of seeing 2 

You and your Twin are connected Energetically at the level of the Soul !

The journey you are on is a beautiful Divinely Orchestrated Dance of the One Soul here in the 3D 

It feels utterly confusing and overwhelming to both bodies but let me tell you Divine Feminine the only way through this journey is to treat it like an awakening journey and you have to release the physical form

Having expectations on this journey is toxic to you Divine Feminine and I say that with deep love as I hate to see people suffering on the journey 

As you shift along your TF awakening journey you will see that this is a journey of the one soul shifting and rising in consciousness and as you shift you will release the physical form and at this point it allows the push energy to dissipate and Divine Masculine feels it so deeply and he’s magnetised back in on a Soul Level 

But as the leading twin Divine Feminine you are asked to allow the flow and align your life to your souls essence 

As when You Rise Divine Masculine Rises too as you are One and Have always been One in every lifetime